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Without friends, we ride alone.........

On behalf of myself and all the girls of Bling, I would like to take a moment and recognize the people that make us possible.

Corrie Bokenfohr  Thank you for having the guts and initiative to form Bit-A-Bling 10 years ago.  It was no small feat.  I first met Corrie when I was 12 years old, and now 20 years later she continues to be one of my closest friends.  Over the years Corrie has not only provided guidance and friendship, she has been generous enough to lend me her own horse Levi for Grand Entry.  Her courage and perseverance has helped form the team we are today.

The team behind the team.

Sharon Jackson  Along with Corrie she formed Bling.  I also met Sharon when I was 12 and she still has the same laugh!  She has coached and friended along the way.  This lady has proved to be one of my dearest friends and biggest confidants.  Even though she has resigned as the official coach, she is still very much involved.  Her caring and knowledge shines through and helps keeps us sharp and on point.  From weekly phone calls to hour long sessions and camping, thank you for always, always being there.

Hanne Olsen  She joined me when I took over running Bling.  Hanne helped coach the team for many years and is still a true friend.  I appreciate all the hours you put into the team.  Thank you.

I want to thank these extraordinary women for the contribution to rodeo and to forming and developing Bling.  Without these ladies, the team we are today would not have been possible.  They spent and still spend, countless hours on the phone with me.  From ordering sparkles to helping me with patterns and lineups.  I thank you all very much for your friendship and support.

A few other members I would like to take time to thank for all their involvement over the years.

Dave and Linda Temple  This amazing family became my rodeo family.  Although you may not rodeo with us on the regular anymore, your time, kindness, laughs, love and pasta sauce will never be forgotten.  This amazing family fed us, loved us, camped with us, and will always be dear to our hearts.  We miss you on the guitar Dave!

Bob Carswell  If something is happening behind the scene, chances are Bob is helping.  This gentleman has lent me his poster boy pony, cooks, organizes, camps, waters us and is always there to support the team.  From flags to trucks to campsite tequila....Thank you Bob!

Joe Hicks  My hubby, last but certainly not least.  I am truly blessed to have the most supportive best friend in you.  From cooking, camping, cleaning, trucks, music, riding and laughing, this boy does it all.  He's my biggest support system and always there for me and the team.  Without his countless hours, this team and rodeos would not be possible.  Thank you baby!

Cathy Kenzie  The lady behind the lens.  Cathy is the credit for alot of the amazing photos and endless hours of support as well as revamping our website.

I have literally grown up riding the Grand Entry at Cloverdale Rodeo and rodeos throughout BC.  My Dad put me on a horse before I could walk, drove to countless lessons, shows and rodeos over the years.  He is still a regular in the rodeo stands and at campsites in Merritt.  My parents supported my dream of riding all the way to Australia and their hours and selflessness has enabled me to be the rider, and person I am today. 


There are many people that have been part of Bit-A-Bling over the years and I thank all current and past riders.  Each of you has made up our Bling family.  Without your dedication, this team would not be who are are today.  The amazing women of the teams I have been on over the years have been my role models, mentors and friends.  The rodeo family has become my family.  I truly appreciate all the hours, the hardships, the fun and the love.  We have shared everything from tears to bouncy castles together.  Thank you Bling family....for all the past years and the years to come.  Kiss your ponies, love yourselves and each other.  I love and appreciate each of you!  Happy trails........ 








New generation of Bling
The cooks of Bling
Pre performance sparkle
Organizing our flags
Safety check
Pre performance
Pre performance
Safety check
Chap cleaning
Rain or shine
Pre performance
Getting ready
Last minute team chat
Best of both worlds
Pre performance sparkle
Ready and waiting
Water gal
Bling practice
Bling practice
And more flags
Minutes before
Best cooks ever
Tweeking a pattern
Family and friends
Best dad ever
Always something to do
Family and friends
Clean up crew
Enjoying the practice
A little help
Always ready with a smile
Family and friends
Minor adjustments
Minor adjustments
Family and friends
Looking good ladies!
A little help needed
Never ending....

To all the pooper scoopers, polo wrappers, grooms, cooks, entertainment, lipstick and bobby pin carriers, equipment fixers, flag rollers, cinch checkers, sparkles and hairspray doers, organizers, photographers, shoppers, our families and friends who are our biggest and loudest cheering section practice after practice, rain or shine,  and everyone else that makes up our team......THANK YOU for all your hard work.  You make us a ........ Bit-A-Bling!

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